Saturday, September 5, 2009

Answers to Puzzle Corner

Thank You for the Overwhelming Response to the puzzles. Here are the correct Solutions to the three questions posted. Hope your answers match to the correct ones...

Answer to Question 1:

Assume the guard A is by door A and guard is by door B. Let the prisoner go to guard A and ask him the question. One of the typical question is: "If I ask guard B what door is door B, the answer from guard B will be life door or death door?"

If the answer is life door (door B)
, he can walk in the door A safely. If the answer is death door(door B), he can choose the door B and walk in.

This is be
cause the question goes through 2 levels of questions from 2 people. The overall answers will be always a lie because there is always one lying and the other telling the truth. He can always choose the other door to the answer.

Answer to Question 2:

There are 2 ways. One is to make 1 medium size square setting inside of a large square or make 1 small square setting inside of a large square. So alternatively, you can move blue 1, 2 to red 1 and 2 position.

Answer to Question 3:

To solve this puzzle, you need to use the false logic and trial and error method.

Frist of all, the letter "M" must be 1 because the result of S + M is equal or greater than 10. Since M = 1, the letter S must be either 8 or 9. The letter "O" must be zero, (It can not be 1, since M was 1 already).

If letter "S" is 8, then S + M is 9 only (We need 10). We have to have a carry from E + O. Since O is zero, E + O can not be greater than 10. Therefore, S must be 9, not 8.

Since E + O = N, We know N - E = 1 and N + R must be greater than 10. R must be 8 with D + E > 10 to make N - E = 1.

So far we use the numbers: 0, 1, 8, and 9. Since N - E = 1, we have the following possible combinations:

  • E = 2 and N = 3, in this case, since D + E must greater than 10, E is too small because D can not be 8 or 9.
  • E = 3 and N = 4, in this case, D can not be 8 or 9. It can not be 7 also because Y will become zero.
  • E = 4 and N = 5, in this case, D can b 6 or 7. However, Y will become zero or 1 but zero and 1 were used already.
  • E = 6 and N = 7, in this case, D only can be 4 or 5. In either case will make y zero or 1.
  • E = 5 and N = 6, this is the only case that can make the equation true. D can be 7 only which will make y = 2.

Therefore, SEND=9567, MORE=1085, MONEY=10652.
Janice will receive $10,652.00 from her father.

Antoher possible, but incorrect answer was found by one of Timo Beckmann`s students. 6415 + 0734 = 07149. We believe 0734 and 07149 should be written in the correct form, 734 and 7149.

For More Intesting and brain racking questions, participate in the Online Quiz competition Sphinx.

Round 1: 5th Sep and 6th Sep
Time: 8.30 P.M to 11 P.M

Rules for Round 1 Available in Downloads Section

First Round Started

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